Wounded WarriorProject
Awareness Campaign
Join Motherwell Products USA Inc, in raising awareness of this great cause serving US Veterans and their families.
Have you heard of Wounded Warrior Project?
At Motherwell Products, we want to help raise awareness of this very important non-profit charity that provides support and comfort to former service members and their families! As part of our awareness campaign, we ask that you send us a picture with one of our products on your beautiful ride. For every product picture we receive, a small financial gift will be made to this organization & we will also display your snapshot on our website photo gallery.
If you would like to learn more, or make a personal contribution to Wounded Warrior Project, please visit their website at woundedwarriorproject.org. Remember to spread the word about this worthy cause!
If you have any questions, please contact us at sales@motherwellproducts.com.
The Motherwell Team